LPPV avocats

LPPV avocats combine years of experience, knowledge, expertise and the strenght of a large network to defend and represent the best interests of our clients. We provide individualized, practical legal advice and project management services to overcome our clients legal challenges and meet their needs.


The members of LPPV avocats are devoted to the missions they are entrusted with, in particular in the following areas:


We conceive our firm primarily as an association bringing together the skills of each of its members. We share the same values, which are the driving force of our practice.


We attach particular importance to the integrity of our practice and of any of our activities.

Tenacity and strictness

Our goal is to defend vigorously and with conviction our clients’ interests. We are uneasily satisfied but contribute all our efforts to become so.


Beyond highlighting to our clients the legal risks, we advise them on clear and constructive solutions.


Understanding the challenges and potentialities of each case is key, as is being open-minded to discussion and to less obvious options and alternatives.


Thinking out of the box matters to us, as well as remaining clear and communicating clearly.


We are passionate about our profession and wish to understand and to follow the activities of each of our clients.


Our clients’ trust reflects in our eyes our trust in them.  “We are your counsel”: this sentence means for us the core of a strong, individual and unique relationship, extending beyond business. The choice of a counsel or attorney is not the choice of a service provider, but the choice of a relationship. You entrust us with your interests – We entrust you with our reputation.


We work on a time-spent basis. We apply fees while taking into account our skills and a flexible costs’ structure. We wish to be as transparent as possible on our indemnifications. We are aware of the limits to bill on a time-spend basis in specific matters or mandates and, putting our clients’ interests at the core of our concerns, we offer alternative billing solutions.


The law firm is born out of the association of four attorneys-at-law benefiting from a wide-range experience in their areas of activities. Trained within the largest Swiss law firms and benefitting from solid education, in Switzerland and abroad, the four partners offer their services within an independent law firm, with connections in Switzerland and abroad.

Filippo Lurà

Julien Perrin

Loïc Pfister

Guillaume Vionnet

Filippo Lurà

Dr. iur. (Ph.D.), LL.M. in Taxation (Georgetown)

French, English, Italian, German




Filippo Lurà's practice focuses on advice and proceedings in domestic and international tax related matters.


Since 2014
Partner with LPPV avocats

Associate with Tavernier Tschanz, Geneva

Associate with Lenz & Staehelin, Geneva

Junior associate with Lenz & Staehelin, Geneva

Autres activités


Lo scambio internazionale di informazioni in materia tributaria e la giurisprudenza svizzera – parte III, Diritto e pratica tributaria internazionale 3/2010, pp. 1505 – 1518. (avec Arno Crazzolara)
La compatibilità del regime svizzero d’imposta alla fonte con la giurisprudenza della Corte di Giustizia, Diritto e pratica tributaria internazionale 2/2010, pp. 1053 – 1061.
Lo scambio internazionale di informazioni in materia tributaria e la giurisprudenza svizzera – parte II, Diritto e pratica tributaria internazionale 2/2010, pp. 1019–1035. (avec Arno Crazzolara)
Lo scambio internazionale di informazioni in materia tributaria e la giurisprudenza svizzera – parte I, Diritto e pratica tributaria internazionale 1/2010, pp. 547 – 565. (avec Arno Crazzolara)
Commentaire de l’article 13 LT (droit de timbre de négociation), in : Pascal Hinny/Xavier Oberson (édit.), Commentaire de la loi fédérale sur les droits de timbre, Zurich, 2006, pp. 490 – 561.
La coordination de la fiscalité de l’épargne dans la Communauté et dans certains pays tiers, Revue de droit monégasque, 2005, pp. 71 – 130.
L’amnistia fiscale, Rivista di diritto tributario ticinese, 2003, pp. 486 – 507

Julien Perrin

Dr. iur. (Ph.D.)
Registered Trust and Estate Practitioner (STEP)
Certified Specialist SBA Inheritance Law

French, English, German




Julien Perrin's practice focuses on litigation and arbitration as well as on questions relating to private clients, in particular in relation to inheritance and matrimonial law questions, both in domestic and international situations.


Since 2014
Partner with LPPV avocats

Associate, then senior associate with Lenz & Staehelin, Lausanne and Geneva

Junior associate, Lenz & Staehelin, Geneva

Other activities

Member of the Committee of the Lausanne Chapter of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP)


Le trust et le droit suisse des successions. Quelques éléments de réflexion sur la distinction entre actes entre vifs et actes à cause de mort et sur l'admissibilité du trust testamentaire, in: Journée de droit successoral 2021, 17 et seq.


Le Règlement (UE) n° 650/2012 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 4 juillet 2012 relatif à la compétence, la loi applicable, la reconnaissance et l’exécution des décisions et l’acceptation et l’exécution des actes authentiques en matière de successions et la création d’un certificat successoral européen – Quels effets en Suisse ?, in: Notalex 1/2014, 1 et seq. (with Benoît Chappuis)


Trusts et restrictions au pouvoir de disposer en Suisse, in: Jusletter 16 September 2013 (with Matthew Shayle)


The Private Wealth and Private Client Review 2013 –Switzerland, in: The Law Reviews, 2nd ed., September 2013, 306 et seq. (with Mark Barmes and Floran Ponce)


Totting up: Matrimonial Property in Switzerland – The Swiss Rules of Private International Law in Matrimonial Property Matters – Important Points to Consider when Moving to Switzerland, in: Private Client Adviser, December 2012/January 2013, 30 et seq.


To have but not to hold: Trusts in the framework of Swiss Divorce proceedings, in: STEP Journal, November 2012, 60 et seq. (with Matthew Shayle)


Comparing jurisdictions – answers to common problems – Switzerland, in: Trusts & Trustees, Vol. 16, No. 4, May 2010, 253 et seq. (with Mark Barmes)


Offshore: Switzerland, in: Trusts & Trustees, Vol. 15, No. 8, October 2009, 699 et seq. (with Caroline Delétra)


The recognition of trusts and their use in estate planning under continental laws, in: Yearbook of Private International Law, Vol. X – 2008, 629 et seq.


Trusts et droit matrimonial suisse, in: FamPra.ch 2/2009, 312 et seq.


Les unions non maritales en droit international privé suisse, in: FamPra.ch 1/2008, 69 et seq.


Le trust et le droit suisse des successions internationales, in: ECS 9/2006, 683 et seq. (with Christophe Wilhelm)


De l’arbitrabilité des litiges successoraux, in: Bull. ASA 2006, 417 et seq.


Le trust à l’épreuve du droit successoral en Suisse, en France et au Luxembourg – Etude de droit comparé et de droit international privé, Ph.D. study, Lausanne


L’influence du droit américain sur la responsabilité du médecin en droit privé suisse, in: L’américanisation du droit suisse et européen (3ème cycle romand de droit), 27 et seq.


Le droit international privé de la société anonyme, in: Aspects actuels du droit de la société anonyme (Travaux réunis pour le 20ème anniversaire du CEDIDAC), 673 et seq.


Vers une reconnaissance des effets erga omnes du trust en Suisse ? Note sur un arrêt du Tribunal fédéral, in: Bulletin CEDIDAC n° 38

Loïc Pfister

Dr. iur. (Ph.D.)

Academic fellow of the Center for philanthropy, University of Geneva

French, English, German




Loïc Pfister's practice focuses on corporate law, foundations and associations as well as on commercial transactions. He has developed a particular interest for governance and philanthropy matters.


Since 2014
Partner with LPPV avocats

Associate with Schellenberg & Wittmer Ltd, Geneva

Junior associate, BMP, Lausanne

Other activities

Delegate of the Vaud Bar Association to the Swiss Bar Association.

Member of the board of several companies and foundations.


La modification du but d’une fondation – ancrage légal, pratique et droit désirable, in: Expert Focus 3|2019, 185 ss

La fondation, collection Guide pratique des personnes morales et des sociétés, Genève/Zurich, 2017

Neues bei der AG und GmbH / Nouveautés en droit de la SA et de la Sàrl, in: Olivier Hari (édit.): Aktuelle Anwaltspraxis/La pratique de l'avocat 2017 (avec Isabelle Chabloz, Olivier Hari et Irène Schilter)

Takeoverpractive.ch, droit suisse des OPA online, 2013-2014, membre de l’équipe de rédaction (éditeurs: Martin Weber/Lorenzo Olgiati)

Les sociétés ouvertes au public et l’ordre constitutionnel, Zurich : Schulthess, 2010. 

–Thèse de doctorat

Les aspects juridiques de l’assainissement (cadre, outils et responsabilité), in : Aspects pratiques du droit de l’entreprise/éd. par Lauren Ojha. – Lausanne : Cedidac, 2010, 95 ss (avec Jean-Luc Chenaux)

« Backdated Options » : Quelles conséquences en droit suisse ?, in : Wirtschaftsrecht in Theorie und Praxis : Festschrift für Roland von Büren/hrsg. von Peter V. Kunz et al.–Basel : Helbing Lichtenhahn, 2009, 739 ss (avec Jean-Luc Chenaux)

Approche constitutionnelle de l’obligation de contracter, in : Vertrauen, Vertrag, Verantwortung : Festschrift für Hans Caspar von der Crone zum 50. Geburtstag/ Daniel Dédeyan et al. –Zurich : Schulthess, 2007, 127 ss

Revision des Aktienrechts : Sanierung, Revisionsvorschlag Begleitbericht Sanierungsrecht, 2006, rapport préparé pour l’office fédérale de la justice et publiée sur rwi.uzh.ch (avec Hans Caspar von der Crone et Eric Sibbern)

Some Theses Concerning Modern Swiss Reorganization Law, in : The Challenges of Insolvency Law Reform in the 21st Century/Henry Peter, Nicolas Jeandin, Jason Kilborn (eds.). –Zurich : Schulthess, 2006, 517 ss ; aussi in : EC 12/05, 1028 ss (avec Hans Caspar von der Crone et Bettina Kopta-Stutz)

Konsens über Obliegenheiten im Reisecheckvertrag, in : RSDA 77 (2005), 276 ss (avec Hans Caspar von der Crone)

Exécution anticipée du crédit documentaire à paiement différé, in : RSDA 77 (2005), 42 ss (avec Hans Caspar von der Crone)

RechtEck, die Internetplattform zum Handels –und Wirtschaftsrecht, publié sur rechteck.uzh.ch, Zurich 2004 (avec Hans Caspar von der Crone et al.)

ADroit, plate-forme en ligne de droit commercial, publié sur rechteck.unizh.ch, Zürich 2004 (avec Hans Caspar von der Crone et Guillaume Vionnet)

Guillaume Vionnet

Dr. iur. (Ph.D.)
LL.M. (Columbia)

French, English, German




Guillaume Vionnet's practice focuses on commercial litigations, notably in the fields of contracts, torts and real estate. He also conducts administrative, regulatory and public law disputes related to his constituents' activities. He advises companies and private clients in their economic relations to third parties, especially with regard to contractual implications.


Since 2014
Partner with LPPV avocats

Associate, then senior associate with Lenz & Staehelin, Lausanne

Associate with Lenz & Staehelin, Lausanne

Trainee lawyer, BMP, Lausanne

Other activities

Member of the Commission for obligations and commercial law of the Vaud Bar Association


La détermination du dommage en droit suisse dans les litiges commerciaux, en particulier selon la discounted cash flow / The Determination of Damages under Swiss Law in Commercial Litigation, notably using Discounted Cash Flow, in : International Business Law Journal, 4/2016, 393 seq. (with Benoît Chappuis)

The Use of "Obvious" Arguments in Legal Interpretation, 2012

ADroit, Droit des obligations — Partie générale (en cours d’élaboration), publié sur rechteck.unizh.ch, Zurich 2010

L’exercice des droits formateurs, Thèse de doctorat, Genève Zurich Bâle 2008

Pflichten aus dem Äther, Gedanken zur Rolle von Treu und Glauben im Obligationenrecht, in : Vertrauen - Vertrag - Verantwortung, Liber Amicorum for Hans Caspar von der Crone on the occasion of his 50th birthday, Zurich 2007, 59 ss

Sanctions à l’inégalité de traitement des actionnaires, in : Aspects actuels du droit de la société anonyme, Lausanne 2005, 125 ss

RechtEck, die Internetplattform zum Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht, publié sur rechteck.uzh.ch, Zurich 2004 (avec Hans Caspar von der Crone et al.)

ADroit, plate-forme en ligne de droit commercial, publié sur rechteck.unizh.ch, Zurich 2004 (avec Hans Caspar von der Crone et Loïc Pfister)

Sicherungsversprechen und Vertrauensprinzip, in : RSDA/SZW 76, 2004, 386 ss (avec Hans Caspar von der Crone)

Nature de l’action en répétition, in : RSDA/SZW 75, 2003, 328 ss (avec Hans Caspar von der Crone)

Jessica Bertolami